Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism is the belief that one's greatest loyalty should not be a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. Nationalism mostly means the love for a country. Nationalism is every where. Some things that we contribute to America is that WE LIVE IN AMERICA. That is one common and important thing. One thing for sure is that we speak the same language which is English. We use the same currency, we have a huge history about America and we have the same government. A example of me being Nationalism is that I pledge to the flag of America every morning when the accouments are on in school. I thing that I do that shows that Nationalistic is I talk in English, I use dollars and go to school that is America, I celebrate American Holidays like, Fourth of July, Martin Luther and more.
There where a lot of country that created by Nationalism. One Example of a how Nationalism that created a nation was Italy. Italy was actually ruled by Austria at first. During 1815 to 1848 a increasing number of Italians were no longer in content to live under foreign rulers. People started to notice that they were closely the same to one to each other. A Italian idealist man created a Nationalism group that was called Youth Italian. After that a great nationalism leader stood up and look for leader ship so Italy can be split to their own country. He was able to get Austrian out of the country and to take their land. That was when history was making for Italy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was one of the greatest general in South American. A lot of country's got their Independence thanks to Simon Bolivar. The country's we won independence for is Bolivia, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. He was mostly called the The Liberator. The Country Bolivia was thankful of Simon Bolivar that they named there country Bolivia. Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas on July 24, 1783. His parents were creole. Simon Bolivar just wanted to fight Independence from Spain. Simon Bolivar mostly got inspired, by the works of the Enlightenment Thinker and The American and French Revolution. He had tutors you would teach him and that is how he got inspired.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

Well here is the think, John Locke had ideas for the government but Thomas Jefferson took his ideas and wrote the constitution. See in the old days we used to follow absolute monarchy. That was when the King was the ruler and he would make up any law he wanted to. Sometimes the king was good or bad. And if he would die his son would take over in place. And that was a problem because the kings son might been stupid or had no idea to what to do. So we left that old government. And made a new one called democracy. So like I said John Locke made ideas off this new government called democracy. But Thomas Jefferson took them and made them in a constitution. Some rights that Jefferson said was that all man were equal and that people had rights. Some rights were Life, Liberty, and the purist of Happiness. That the people have the right to pick a law or abolish it. The government got it power from people. But that changed over time because some people thought it was wrong. So in democracy we have a Judicial Branch or you can say The Supreme Court. And They decide if the law can pass or not. So from that people we happy, because they had rights to vote.