Saturday, October 3, 2009

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

Well here is the think, John Locke had ideas for the government but Thomas Jefferson took his ideas and wrote the constitution. See in the old days we used to follow absolute monarchy. That was when the King was the ruler and he would make up any law he wanted to. Sometimes the king was good or bad. And if he would die his son would take over in place. And that was a problem because the kings son might been stupid or had no idea to what to do. So we left that old government. And made a new one called democracy. So like I said John Locke made ideas off this new government called democracy. But Thomas Jefferson took them and made them in a constitution. Some rights that Jefferson said was that all man were equal and that people had rights. Some rights were Life, Liberty, and the purist of Happiness. That the people have the right to pick a law or abolish it. The government got it power from people. But that changed over time because some people thought it was wrong. So in democracy we have a Judicial Branch or you can say The Supreme Court. And They decide if the law can pass or not. So from that people we happy, because they had rights to vote.

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