Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution vs Creation, Matthew Pastula PD 7

First I Will Start With Creation, Creation is a Religious Belief. Creation is mostly made of life, the earth, universes, animals, everything. And it was all made by God. If you every hear about Creation, you would mostly think about Adam and Eve. And it is complex to thing about it. Because there is so much detail and you have to think. Creation has the Bible-Old Testament and New Testament. And Also Genesis. 50% of people believe in Creation (Religion). But, now of the scientific theories there was a decreased in the belief of Creation. Like I Said the term Creation is mostly religion.
Now I will start with Evolution. When you think of Evolution you mostly think of man evolved from animals, FOR EXAMPLE, Apes, Fish.... You can say Primates or Common Ancestors. Scientists say that it was Mutations. There was a man called Charles Darwin, he worked on a boat, and draw pictures of what he saw. He noticed that some animals were the same but had different genes, for example a Finch Bird, there were Three Island, One Island had a Normal Beak, and on the second island it would have a shorter beak, and at the third island the finch bird would have a longer beak. Charles Darwin said that it was natural selection. Natural Selection means a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment. This all happened at 1849 with Charles Darwin.
In my opinion, I believe in Creation because I am Catholic. But, sometimes in science class I think about Evolution, and it also can be true. It is very complex now I know why 50% belive in Creation and the other 50% beleives in Evlovtion.

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