Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trail of Galileo

The First theory that was created was called geocentric. People believed that earth was the center of the earth. And everything was moving around it. People thought that the stars, sun, and planets would revolve around them. They would see this in the night, every day. This theory was common with Ancient Greece, but the theory was made from the Roman Catholic Church. People did not have any technology to know what was happening. They would just step out side in the night and see that everything was moving around them. This wasn't true facts, it was just people ideas, they had no clue.
The Second Theory was created was called Heliocentrism. This was the true theory and the theory created in the Scientific Revolution. The theroy is that the sun is in the the center and we relove arouund the sun. This theroy we even use now. Now we would move not the stars. So the stars would moslty stay in one place. Only unsvires moved. Scientits started this idea.
The trail of Galileo was imoprtant, it happend at the year 1633. Can you imagne how old this theory is and we still use it. Any who this trail was important because Galileo wanted to prove the theory of Heliocentrsim. Galileo got to trail for publshing a book of saying how the sun is in the center and the planets move. The Catholic Chruch belived in Geocentric and Galileo believe in Heliocentrism. So the Chruch wanted to see the truth. Galileo worked hard to make sure this theory is true. So Galileo theroy was true, as you can see.

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