Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Well Karl Marx had negative thoughts about the Industrial Revolution. Karl Marx thought the conditions in the factories were very harsh and unsafe. So Karl Marx had this idea that was called Communism. Communism means when a form of socialism that wants to abolishes private ownership. Karl Marx wanted to make the workers in charge of the factories. Karl Marx thought that landlords should be taken away from power in the factories and give it to the workers. He thought that people should share the wealth. Which means that he wanted workers to be payed the same amount. For example say a person was working as a doctor and if he was in a communist country then we would be payed the same as a person working in a store. At first it sounded like a good idea, but it wasn't. People were not trusted, the had the power over farms, factories and more. The only good was that their was no poverty. Karl Marx thought that commission would be used by different countries. For some reason he thought that Communism was the best thing for people. Karl Marx did not agree with capitalism and socialism. And Karl Marx thought that the good guys were the workers and the bad guys were the landlords. Because the workers did all of the work in the factories, and that they were mistreated by the landlords. And most of percentage in a factories was mostly workers. That is a reason why Karl Marx thought the workers were the good guys. Communism is not a bad idea, but it would not work. Because some people would be greedy. That wanted all the money to them self. And Communism would not work because it is not fair, that a doctor is payed the same amount like a person who works in a store as a cashier. One country that is Communism now in our time is Cuba. That is mostly one couturiers that is Communism.

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