Monday, December 7, 2009

Imperialism Project

We did this project so we can understand how Imperialism worked. Imperialism is when a huge country take over a small country. And that how colonies speared. It was mostly like bullying. The huge guys picks on the smaller guy. In this project we had to attach icons which stand for sugar, gold, silver etc. And we had to attach them were they belonged to their countries and draw shipping routes to show how people were trading. Imperialism was moslty the start of cultural diffusion. Cultural Diffusion is mostly when people trade food, cultural everything mostly. Their were a lot of colonies and they wanted to spread their thoughts and people. During this project I learned so much about Imperialism what colonies were involved this and what countries they took over. Mostly Europe and Africa were ruled over colonies. Each colonies had their own place to have. The new world was also used. Most of colonies was France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Great Britain and more. But I remember that Great Britain had most of their colonies spread threw the world. So like I was saying I learned a lot from this Imperialism Project.

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