Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium War

The Opium War was mostly started by Imperlaism. Great Britian wanted to get chinnse tea. And as you might figure out it was located in china. Great Britian wanted to buy the tea from china. But china did not want to sell it to Great Britian. They wanted wanted to trade so Great Britian agreed with them because it was one of England important resource and they were desapered for their tea. Great Britian had a good plan. They traded for Opium, which is a drug used to make heroine and more. The Opium Plant was located in India. And Opium was addicting if you smoke it or use it. So when Great Britian traded opium for tea to china. China said yes. But later on china was losing so much money because of Opium and like I said opium is addicting. China lost so much money from this trade because Opium was addicted. Now china had a problem because they had no money, so they stopped the trade. They destroyed all of the Opium that was left in their country. And stoped the trade. Britian got angery because China was the only one who had that speciated tea. So Britian when down to china and took some parts over. Which of course made China angrey. So they decided to go to war. But China barley had a amry because they wasted most of their money for the Opium Drug. China taxed the people so much that it was hard to buy things without paying a huge tax. When China went to attack England they lost because England had more army, money, and they had more technogly. After, this China and Great Britian signed a peace treaty with each other.

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