Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution was very important. It what changed Russia's government. In the old days Russia would have Czar's or Leaders. Russia had a Revolution because it was doing so bad. The people of Russia were being being controlled. The people were poor, starving, and barely had any hope in them. Czar's mostly cared about them and their families. They had no feeling for the people. The people couldn't wait until the revolution would start. So they started. The Russian People wanted to have peace and have everything going well in their country. They wanted change. Some important causes that started was the influence of World War One. Russia was losing so much people during this war. They were not industrialized. They had not much technology. The war was messing up their economy. That like i was saying the people revolted with Czar's. This is when a man named Lenin came with his group called the Bolsheviks. And he took over and was the new leader. He took the idea of Communism from Karl Marx he thought it was a good idea for Russia Government. And from that long time Russia is still a Communism Country. You can say now that Dictatorship was starting in Russia. When Lenin took over their was finally a peace in Russia. People were now happy with their government. Their economy was now on the right track. Lenin and his group the Bolsheviks had this famous saying that they made. "Peace, land and bread" It think this mean that thanks to Lenin and The Bolsheviks, Russia is now in peace which lead to their economy to go up and now they have anything they wanted now. Now they had more land which made Russia be normal again.

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