Thursday, February 11, 2010


Gandhi was a very important person for India. Thanks to him India got their Independence. India won Independence from Great Britain. Gandhi was a very smart person he would win India's Independence without violence. Because Great Britain was using violence most of the time, so Gandhi thought if they don't fight back and rebel in non violence way then Great Britain will look bad. Which was a very smart idea. At first the nation didn't listen to him, so Gandhi went on a strike you can say. He fasted for a long time, and then people noticed that he cares about their nation so they started to rebel in a non violence. Gandhi would always go on marches and the people would go with him, they would be on his side because they knew he was doing something good for their nation. One thing that Gandhi did was he made his own supplies. For example he made his own clothes, he boycotted. Clothes cost so much, so Gandhi wanted to rebel. Another thing he rebel for was slat. Great Britain put such a huge tax on salt. So Gandhi and a lot of his followers walked for 240 miles, to the ocean so they get salt, so they can boycott. Gandhi has helped India so much, to get their Independence. I think that thanks to Gandhi India got their Independence. Without him India would lose more people to the violence that was happening. Gandhi was a peace maker, he wanted to get Independence in a peaceful way. Gandhi was still angry when they won Independence because Muslims and Hindus were separated from each other. I think Gandhi Non-violence idea was brilliant. Thanks to Gandhi the nation of India didn't have to worry about getting their Independence anymore.

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