Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Night and Fog

Night and Fog is a french documentary but has the subtitles in English. I think Nigh and Fog is a very good documentary about the holocaust. My reaction to the documentary was shocking because they had real pictures and some video of the what was happening during the Holocaust. Real video and real pictures which makes you think about what happened during this era. It is shocking what happened to the Jews during the Holocaust, the Jews live threw hell in the Concentration Camps. But the documentary only showed the died people and how they looked like. So it wasn't that bad, the only think that was terrible for me was when the bull-dozer pushed all the people to the dirt, and it was all died Jews that the Germans killed during the holocaust. The documentary was not really powerful to me. I think the movie Schindler's List" was the most powerful to me. Because in the movie "Schindler's List" you see people actually dying, like for example getting shot or killed and in the doucmentry it is only a picture of died people. But in "Schindler's List" they show you the phsically way the Germans treated the Jews during the Holocaust. The documtenary is also graphically because of the pictures and videos were taken during the Holocaust but I think the movie "Schindler's List" is way intersing and better because you see how the Jews had to survie just to make it out. I think persoanlly in the movie "Schindler's List" you will learn more of how it was during the Holocaust.

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