Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

After World War 1, Germany was faced with a punishemnt. Because they lost the war. Germany had to sign The Treaty Of Versailles. The treaty of Versailles said that since Germany lost the war that everything what happened during the war was their fault. Germany now had to pay for all the damgaes that happened during the world to thier allies. Germany's miltary also had to shrink down to like 100,000 soliders. And Germany also lost some of it's land. Germany had so much to pay, their economy was now runined. They now had a poor economy now because the taxes were so high because they needed to pay off dues. The dues were very high in money. Most of the land that Germany had was given to their allies, which new country's formed. Germany lost alot of people in the war and in their population. I think that the Treaty was not fair out all. Germany wasn't the only one in the war. Germany did do some bad things during the war, they just wanted to win the war. I think that Germany should get blame but with the other countires that were with them. During the time the Germans lost they had a rough time getting back were they started. Their were doing so good at the beginning but then just went crashing. I do think that The Treaty Of Versailles did cause the rise of hilter. Becasue Germany wanted to be a powerful nation again. They wanted to have a good leader. And they thought Hilter was the right person. They thought he was a strong powerful leader. But later on they found out that Hilter was a bad and it was a bad idea picking him as a leader.

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