Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa is the one who won Independence for Turkey. And he is also the one that found the Turkey Republic and was the first president for Turkey. Turkey was actually run first by Ottoman Empire. Mustafa goal was to modernize Turkey, we didn't want them to compare with the other country's. He made Turkey also secular, which means he put Religon on the Side, it wasn't a law anymore. Secular is when religious belief should not influence public and governmental decisions. In other country's Religon would be a Law. But he wanted to have it different for Turkey. He also changed the style in Turkey, he wanted to make his naton more outlook, European Hats replaced the fez, which the fez has a hat with a picece of a rope on top of it. Women would stop wearing the veil, citizens tooks surnames now, and also the Islamic Calendar gave way to the Western Calendar. The urban life of people's who lived in Turkey changed. Mustafa also introduced nationalism to Turkey. But for here Nationalism wouldn't be rascist. It would be to preserve the independence Of the republic of Turkey. Mustafa was the priesdent for a long time in Turkey. We made alot of changes to his nation. Like I said he made it more Modern.

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