Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid was an Racial-segregation policy in South America and was an policy in the government from 1948 to 1994. People that were considered as non-whites did not have the same right as those who were white. Non-Whites didn't have many rights for them, they couldn't vote. Their was public bathrooms for them, so their was separated bathrooms for white and non-whites. Not only bathrooms, their was also diners and water fountains and more. The word "apartheid" happened in the late 1930's by South of America Bureau for Racial Affairs (SABRA), which was for separation. This first started in the 1948 by the Afrikaner National Party.It would get worser because more ideas about separation was happening. For example there couldn't be mixed marriages or sexual relations between individuals of different race. Then non-whites had their own school, and about 5 universities banned non-white kids from them, so alot of separation was happening and people were racist. Nelson Mandela was very important because thanks to him freedom happened, non-whites not their rights back. Nelson Mandela was in prison for a very long time about 27 years, he went out of prison in February 11, 1990. Nelson Mandela thought this wasn't right, he didn't like the Apartheid Law. Nelson wanted this law to be over so he had strikes for example, he would have non-violent strikes and civil disobedience and more.But one thing we knew has that he did it in non-violent ways, which was an very smart idea. Nelson Mandela was an important person or as they call him an hero because he won Independence and rights for non-whites.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

African Independence changed Africa alot. From the 1955 to 1975, Africa changed alot. In the 1955 Africa was controlled by the British Colony. Almost every country in Africa was ruled by British but only Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, and also some of South America were not ruled from them. Africans were French Speaking and West Indians began to express their growing sense of black consciousness and pride of Africa. Africans had an Negritude movement, this was an movement to celebrate African Culture, heritage, and values. This movement was viewed the black experience as unique. After the World War II, many European countries were ready to transfer their governments to Africa. One person that was their way to Independence was Ghana. The British colony of the gold coast were the first African colony south of Sahara to win Independence from British. African Americans wanted to have freedom, they didn't want to be controlled. Another important leader that help won Independence was Kwame Nkrumah, he has a former teacher who spend most of his time studying in Untied States. He was wanted to work the Gold Cast to Independence from the British Kwame would organized strikes and boycotts, and this would of happened alot of times. Kwame would be imprisoned by the British Government many times. But thanks to him, they received Independence from British in 1957 and the west coast took the name Ghana. During this Independence people were celebrations about Nkrumah. Nkrumah was the first prime minster and later the president of Ghana. Thanks to him, their was new roads, new schools, and expanded and started new things. Cecil Rhodes was the leader and person how was trying to get British Governments in Africa, he was also racist, he thought that British was the best and the first race and best. And an very important leader was Jomo Kenyatta, he would study very hard and gain alot of education. He became as a carpenter but still wanted to learn about politics which he did. When Europe wanted to invade his home town which they did, he realized and noticed that the British were treating them bad, and he also realized that British wanted to make Africa into an communism government.Jomo Kenyatta tried is best to win freedom but they put him in jail for about 7 years. But when he got, Africa won their Independence and Jomo became the president of Kenva because thanks to him he had influence on Europe. So Africa did change if you look at the map from 1955 to 1975, they won Independence and their was more new countries from the Independence they won.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: The Right Stuff

The movie "The Right Stuff" was actually not a bad movie. This movie was in the setting of the Cold War. I liked it because it showed the airplanes and the tries of launching the American Space-Shuttle to Space. And at the same time, it was also funny. The movie was about the Untied States (US) competing with The Soviet Union (USSR) to see who will go to space first. In the beginning of the movie you see how test pilots are trying out the plane that is fast as the speed of lighting. They want to see if they are able to fly it in a high altitude and see if it was enough power to get in the moon. One test pilot die from the test drive in the movie. The space race took a long time in the progress because it wasn't easy to create a space shuttle and shooting it in the moon. The US was the first one to send somebody to the moon. But here is the catch, the US send a monkey to space first not an person. They didn't want to risk a person life, so they thought sending a monkey to space would be safer. But next thing you know, two or three weeks later the Russians succeed by sending a Person to space. And countries and people started to make fun of the United States because we send a monkey into space and not a human. But Untied States didn't give up on the Race. They kept on trying and doing more tests, and next thing you know we were able to circle around the globe once and then three times around it and next thing you know we were able to circle around the globe 10 times. And that is when we were getting ideas about sending a person(human) to the moon. And that is how we won the race. By beating the Soviet Union in the race that we send a person to the moon. So Untied States won right their in the race.
My Favorite scenes of the movie "The Right Stuff" was when the test pilots were in the plane and you see the view in first person mode. You see all the clouds and how the planes turn around, so I thought that was cool. This is another favorite part, is when United States is trying their best to make a Space Shuttle. And you see how the Untied States were failing. But they kept on trying. And the cool thing was that it was real recording taken in the past. Some parts were actually funny how Untied States were failing on the goal to send a space shuttle to the moon. And you also see how the Untied States would give medical and physical exams on the test pilots, to see if they would be right for the job. So this movie was inserting and funny at the same time. I enjoyed the movie, it was great.

Monday, April 12, 2010

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

NATO is alliance between countries in Europe and North America. The reason of the formation of NATO was that they wanted countries involved wanted a mutual defense alliance so if one country was being attacked then all of the rest countries in NATO will come to their aide, which means help them out in a any way. By providing supplies or going to war with them as alliances. The NATO also helped if a country had economic problems. For example after World War 2, alot of countries faced unstable economics, so for NATO all the countries in it would help each other with their economics under the Marshall Plan. Thanks to this the countries this helped them by rebuilding more quickly and get them in good terms of their state. NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO Major reason was defense. And it was a important thing also about NATO. The NATO was just formed by countries that came up with this idea.
The Warsaw Pact was mostly the Soviet Union involved and its satellite countries. They made the Warsaw Pact to be a response to the NATO. Warsaw Pact was mostly countries in Europe. The Soviet Union wanted to dominated the alliance,which they did. The Soviet Union kept military personal in the other countries of he alliance and kept them running in a government that was socialist. The Soviet Union did this plan because they wanted to strengthen their country and the satellite countries. Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolay Bulganin over took this plan after they got power. This happened in the year 1955. But 20 years later the Warsaw Pact was renewed in 1985. The organization was then weaken badly in the 1980's. The countries that had the military personal had to withdraw them. After that countries started to get out of the Warsaw Pact and later on their were only six countries more that deiced to get out of the pack too. And the Warsaw Pact was just getting smaller.