Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

African Independence changed Africa alot. From the 1955 to 1975, Africa changed alot. In the 1955 Africa was controlled by the British Colony. Almost every country in Africa was ruled by British but only Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, and also some of South America were not ruled from them. Africans were French Speaking and West Indians began to express their growing sense of black consciousness and pride of Africa. Africans had an Negritude movement, this was an movement to celebrate African Culture, heritage, and values. This movement was viewed the black experience as unique. After the World War II, many European countries were ready to transfer their governments to Africa. One person that was their way to Independence was Ghana. The British colony of the gold coast were the first African colony south of Sahara to win Independence from British. African Americans wanted to have freedom, they didn't want to be controlled. Another important leader that help won Independence was Kwame Nkrumah, he has a former teacher who spend most of his time studying in Untied States. He was wanted to work the Gold Cast to Independence from the British Kwame would organized strikes and boycotts, and this would of happened alot of times. Kwame would be imprisoned by the British Government many times. But thanks to him, they received Independence from British in 1957 and the west coast took the name Ghana. During this Independence people were celebrations about Nkrumah. Nkrumah was the first prime minster and later the president of Ghana. Thanks to him, their was new roads, new schools, and expanded and started new things. Cecil Rhodes was the leader and person how was trying to get British Governments in Africa, he was also racist, he thought that British was the best and the first race and best. And an very important leader was Jomo Kenyatta, he would study very hard and gain alot of education. He became as a carpenter but still wanted to learn about politics which he did. When Europe wanted to invade his home town which they did, he realized and noticed that the British were treating them bad, and he also realized that British wanted to make Africa into an communism government.Jomo Kenyatta tried is best to win freedom but they put him in jail for about 7 years. But when he got, Africa won their Independence and Jomo became the president of Kenva because thanks to him he had influence on Europe. So Africa did change if you look at the map from 1955 to 1975, they won Independence and their was more new countries from the Independence they won.

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