Monday, April 12, 2010

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

NATO is alliance between countries in Europe and North America. The reason of the formation of NATO was that they wanted countries involved wanted a mutual defense alliance so if one country was being attacked then all of the rest countries in NATO will come to their aide, which means help them out in a any way. By providing supplies or going to war with them as alliances. The NATO also helped if a country had economic problems. For example after World War 2, alot of countries faced unstable economics, so for NATO all the countries in it would help each other with their economics under the Marshall Plan. Thanks to this the countries this helped them by rebuilding more quickly and get them in good terms of their state. NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO Major reason was defense. And it was a important thing also about NATO. The NATO was just formed by countries that came up with this idea.
The Warsaw Pact was mostly the Soviet Union involved and its satellite countries. They made the Warsaw Pact to be a response to the NATO. Warsaw Pact was mostly countries in Europe. The Soviet Union wanted to dominated the alliance,which they did. The Soviet Union kept military personal in the other countries of he alliance and kept them running in a government that was socialist. The Soviet Union did this plan because they wanted to strengthen their country and the satellite countries. Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolay Bulganin over took this plan after they got power. This happened in the year 1955. But 20 years later the Warsaw Pact was renewed in 1985. The organization was then weaken badly in the 1980's. The countries that had the military personal had to withdraw them. After that countries started to get out of the Warsaw Pact and later on their were only six countries more that deiced to get out of the pack too. And the Warsaw Pact was just getting smaller.

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