Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: The Right Stuff

The movie "The Right Stuff" was actually not a bad movie. This movie was in the setting of the Cold War. I liked it because it showed the airplanes and the tries of launching the American Space-Shuttle to Space. And at the same time, it was also funny. The movie was about the Untied States (US) competing with The Soviet Union (USSR) to see who will go to space first. In the beginning of the movie you see how test pilots are trying out the plane that is fast as the speed of lighting. They want to see if they are able to fly it in a high altitude and see if it was enough power to get in the moon. One test pilot die from the test drive in the movie. The space race took a long time in the progress because it wasn't easy to create a space shuttle and shooting it in the moon. The US was the first one to send somebody to the moon. But here is the catch, the US send a monkey to space first not an person. They didn't want to risk a person life, so they thought sending a monkey to space would be safer. But next thing you know, two or three weeks later the Russians succeed by sending a Person to space. And countries and people started to make fun of the United States because we send a monkey into space and not a human. But Untied States didn't give up on the Race. They kept on trying and doing more tests, and next thing you know we were able to circle around the globe once and then three times around it and next thing you know we were able to circle around the globe 10 times. And that is when we were getting ideas about sending a person(human) to the moon. And that is how we won the race. By beating the Soviet Union in the race that we send a person to the moon. So Untied States won right their in the race.
My Favorite scenes of the movie "The Right Stuff" was when the test pilots were in the plane and you see the view in first person mode. You see all the clouds and how the planes turn around, so I thought that was cool. This is another favorite part, is when United States is trying their best to make a Space Shuttle. And you see how the Untied States were failing. But they kept on trying. And the cool thing was that it was real recording taken in the past. Some parts were actually funny how Untied States were failing on the goal to send a space shuttle to the moon. And you also see how the Untied States would give medical and physical exams on the test pilots, to see if they would be right for the job. So this movie was inserting and funny at the same time. I enjoyed the movie, it was great.

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