Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium War

The Opium War was mostly started by Imperlaism. Great Britian wanted to get chinnse tea. And as you might figure out it was located in china. Great Britian wanted to buy the tea from china. But china did not want to sell it to Great Britian. They wanted wanted to trade so Great Britian agreed with them because it was one of England important resource and they were desapered for their tea. Great Britian had a good plan. They traded for Opium, which is a drug used to make heroine and more. The Opium Plant was located in India. And Opium was addicting if you smoke it or use it. So when Great Britian traded opium for tea to china. China said yes. But later on china was losing so much money because of Opium and like I said opium is addicting. China lost so much money from this trade because Opium was addicted. Now china had a problem because they had no money, so they stopped the trade. They destroyed all of the Opium that was left in their country. And stoped the trade. Britian got angery because China was the only one who had that speciated tea. So Britian when down to china and took some parts over. Which of course made China angrey. So they decided to go to war. But China barley had a amry because they wasted most of their money for the Opium Drug. China taxed the people so much that it was hard to buy things without paying a huge tax. When China went to attack England they lost because England had more army, money, and they had more technogly. After, this China and Great Britian signed a peace treaty with each other.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Film Lesson "Mountains of the Moon"

In the Film "Mountains of the Moon" it is very interesting the role of the movie. The two most important people in the Movie was Richard Francis and John Hanning Speke. They were the explores who wanted to find the Nile. Their were many hardships that the Europeans had to face. Their were always tribes attacking them or stealing the, when they were sleeping. They would have to work 10 miles a day. In the movie I think they walked like 200-300 miles in 6 months. The climate was horrible. It was dry and hot. And the African People who were traveling with them would die because of diseases happening and their would be alot of bugs their. In one part of the film John Hanning Speke lays down in his bed in his tent and he forgot to put a net over him so bugs wont go to him when we is sleeping. And you see how a bug went to his ear and it was pain for him. In a another part Richard Francis gets a spear across his jaw and later on in the movie he gets a disease and he can't walk. Richard Francis and John Hanning Speke named the source of the Nile River Lake Victoria because they were the one to find it. And they had power over Africa so if Africa tried to change the name, the British would take them over and get the name back. The primary technology that Europeans had over African people was that they had thermometers, Magnifying Glass, Guns and More. Europeans were more ahead in Technology. The Europeans were able to conquer Africa because they had better technology. Because the Europeans had guns and later on they found medicine for the disease that were located in Africa. And the Europeans also invented later on the machine gun. And Africa people only had spears. So compared to Europeans and African People, Europeans had more advanced technology.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Imperialism Project

We did this project so we can understand how Imperialism worked. Imperialism is when a huge country take over a small country. And that how colonies speared. It was mostly like bullying. The huge guys picks on the smaller guy. In this project we had to attach icons which stand for sugar, gold, silver etc. And we had to attach them were they belonged to their countries and draw shipping routes to show how people were trading. Imperialism was moslty the start of cultural diffusion. Cultural Diffusion is mostly when people trade food, cultural everything mostly. Their were a lot of colonies and they wanted to spread their thoughts and people. During this project I learned so much about Imperialism what colonies were involved this and what countries they took over. Mostly Europe and Africa were ruled over colonies. Each colonies had their own place to have. The new world was also used. Most of colonies was France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Great Britain and more. But I remember that Great Britain had most of their colonies spread threw the world. So like I was saying I learned a lot from this Imperialism Project.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Well Karl Marx had negative thoughts about the Industrial Revolution. Karl Marx thought the conditions in the factories were very harsh and unsafe. So Karl Marx had this idea that was called Communism. Communism means when a form of socialism that wants to abolishes private ownership. Karl Marx wanted to make the workers in charge of the factories. Karl Marx thought that landlords should be taken away from power in the factories and give it to the workers. He thought that people should share the wealth. Which means that he wanted workers to be payed the same amount. For example say a person was working as a doctor and if he was in a communist country then we would be payed the same as a person working in a store. At first it sounded like a good idea, but it wasn't. People were not trusted, the had the power over farms, factories and more. The only good was that their was no poverty. Karl Marx thought that commission would be used by different countries. For some reason he thought that Communism was the best thing for people. Karl Marx did not agree with capitalism and socialism. And Karl Marx thought that the good guys were the workers and the bad guys were the landlords. Because the workers did all of the work in the factories, and that they were mistreated by the landlords. And most of percentage in a factories was mostly workers. That is a reason why Karl Marx thought the workers were the good guys. Communism is not a bad idea, but it would not work. Because some people would be greedy. That wanted all the money to them self. And Communism would not work because it is not fair, that a doctor is payed the same amount like a person who works in a store as a cashier. One country that is Communism now in our time is Cuba. That is mostly one couturiers that is Communism.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolutoin

Well, Karl Marx was German, but his ideas were changed in Russia's History. Karl Marx thought the Industrial was negative because he did like to see how the workers were treated in the factories. Karl Marx said that the conditions in the Factories were very Harsh and Unsafe. He thought that workers should be treated more better. Karl Marx had a plan that workers should control the factories not the Landlords. One of Karl Marx important idea that we every made was called Communism. Communism is when a form of socialism that wants to abolishes private ownership. He combined the Communism with common. Karl Marx wanted workers to share wealth in a society. Which mostly means Communism. For some reason Karl Marx thought that religion pick a job for you "it chooses for you". So Karl Marx played a Huge Role in the Industrial Revolution, because of what he invented.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism is the belief that one's greatest loyalty should not be a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. Nationalism mostly means the love for a country. Nationalism is every where. Some things that we contribute to America is that WE LIVE IN AMERICA. That is one common and important thing. One thing for sure is that we speak the same language which is English. We use the same currency, we have a huge history about America and we have the same government. A example of me being Nationalism is that I pledge to the flag of America every morning when the accouments are on in school. I thing that I do that shows that Nationalistic is I talk in English, I use dollars and go to school that is America, I celebrate American Holidays like, Fourth of July, Martin Luther and more.
There where a lot of country that created by Nationalism. One Example of a how Nationalism that created a nation was Italy. Italy was actually ruled by Austria at first. During 1815 to 1848 a increasing number of Italians were no longer in content to live under foreign rulers. People started to notice that they were closely the same to one to each other. A Italian idealist man created a Nationalism group that was called Youth Italian. After that a great nationalism leader stood up and look for leader ship so Italy can be split to their own country. He was able to get Austrian out of the country and to take their land. That was when history was making for Italy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was one of the greatest general in South American. A lot of country's got their Independence thanks to Simon Bolivar. The country's we won independence for is Bolivia, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. He was mostly called the The Liberator. The Country Bolivia was thankful of Simon Bolivar that they named there country Bolivia. Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas on July 24, 1783. His parents were creole. Simon Bolivar just wanted to fight Independence from Spain. Simon Bolivar mostly got inspired, by the works of the Enlightenment Thinker and The American and French Revolution. He had tutors you would teach him and that is how he got inspired.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

Well here is the think, John Locke had ideas for the government but Thomas Jefferson took his ideas and wrote the constitution. See in the old days we used to follow absolute monarchy. That was when the King was the ruler and he would make up any law he wanted to. Sometimes the king was good or bad. And if he would die his son would take over in place. And that was a problem because the kings son might been stupid or had no idea to what to do. So we left that old government. And made a new one called democracy. So like I said John Locke made ideas off this new government called democracy. But Thomas Jefferson took them and made them in a constitution. Some rights that Jefferson said was that all man were equal and that people had rights. Some rights were Life, Liberty, and the purist of Happiness. That the people have the right to pick a law or abolish it. The government got it power from people. But that changed over time because some people thought it was wrong. So in democracy we have a Judicial Branch or you can say The Supreme Court. And They decide if the law can pass or not. So from that people we happy, because they had rights to vote.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trail of Galileo

The First theory that was created was called geocentric. People believed that earth was the center of the earth. And everything was moving around it. People thought that the stars, sun, and planets would revolve around them. They would see this in the night, every day. This theory was common with Ancient Greece, but the theory was made from the Roman Catholic Church. People did not have any technology to know what was happening. They would just step out side in the night and see that everything was moving around them. This wasn't true facts, it was just people ideas, they had no clue.
The Second Theory was created was called Heliocentrism. This was the true theory and the theory created in the Scientific Revolution. The theroy is that the sun is in the the center and we relove arouund the sun. This theroy we even use now. Now we would move not the stars. So the stars would moslty stay in one place. Only unsvires moved. Scientits started this idea.
The trail of Galileo was imoprtant, it happend at the year 1633. Can you imagne how old this theory is and we still use it. Any who this trail was important because Galileo wanted to prove the theory of Heliocentrsim. Galileo got to trail for publshing a book of saying how the sun is in the center and the planets move. The Catholic Chruch belived in Geocentric and Galileo believe in Heliocentrism. So the Chruch wanted to see the truth. Galileo worked hard to make sure this theory is true. So Galileo theroy was true, as you can see.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

Well the Scientific Method, was used by scientists all around the world. Before the Scientific Method people would mostly get their ideas from ancient Greeks and Romans. And the bible. Scientists would mostly experiment theories or ideas. They would see if theories and ideas in the old days were true or false. They would experimented over and over to prove or disprove and idea or theories. After, they were finished testing they would draw up a conclusion. One example of a experiment would be testing the speed of an object. They would see if different weights would falls down on different speeds or the same speed. Scientists would go to a high floor and open the window and throw objects. Like for example, dropping a baseball and bowling ball and the result would be that they would fall at the same speed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution vs Creation, Matthew Pastula PD 7

First I Will Start With Creation, Creation is a Religious Belief. Creation is mostly made of life, the earth, universes, animals, everything. And it was all made by God. If you every hear about Creation, you would mostly think about Adam and Eve. And it is complex to thing about it. Because there is so much detail and you have to think. Creation has the Bible-Old Testament and New Testament. And Also Genesis. 50% of people believe in Creation (Religion). But, now of the scientific theories there was a decreased in the belief of Creation. Like I Said the term Creation is mostly religion.
Now I will start with Evolution. When you think of Evolution you mostly think of man evolved from animals, FOR EXAMPLE, Apes, Fish.... You can say Primates or Common Ancestors. Scientists say that it was Mutations. There was a man called Charles Darwin, he worked on a boat, and draw pictures of what he saw. He noticed that some animals were the same but had different genes, for example a Finch Bird, there were Three Island, One Island had a Normal Beak, and on the second island it would have a shorter beak, and at the third island the finch bird would have a longer beak. Charles Darwin said that it was natural selection. Natural Selection means a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment. This all happened at 1849 with Charles Darwin.
In my opinion, I believe in Creation because I am Catholic. But, sometimes in science class I think about Evolution, and it also can be true. It is very complex now I know why 50% belive in Creation and the other 50% beleives in Evlovtion.

Monday, September 14, 2009


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